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Oct 15, 2020 - Nov 30, 2020
“MY ERASMUS DAYS” Photo Competition Result
The winner of the "My Erasmus Days” photo competition that was organized to celebrate the #ERASMUSDAYS 2020 is Berna Bolsoy. We would like to thank all the entrants for their contribution and for sharing their wonderful stories with us. The award will be sent to the winner by the International Office.

"Erasmus+ days... The days I recall as the milestone of my life. The days made me meet with my great hidden potential. The days lighting the fire of continuous exploring and learning inside me.
Imagine that you are a person who hates uncertainty and does anything to avoid it. And then, you decide to study abroad for a couple of months and dive into uncertainty itself. Afterward, all you need is to trust yourself and go with the flow.
I exactly did these, spent 4 full months in Finland. Joined culture-sharing clubs, did outdoor activities, worked voluntarily in entrepreneurship society, run a project with a multinational team, and presented to the company's CEO. This photo could be a nice snapshot of my Erasmus+ experience describing boundaries are only illusions in human's mind." - BERNA BOLSOY