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Thesis Defense - Ramazan Düzgün (MSEE)
Ramazan Düzgün – M.Sc. Electrical and Electronics Engineering
Asst. Prof. Mehmet Parlak – Advisor
Date: 18.05.2023
Time: 14.00
Location: AB1 413
“Design of Multiple-Output Flyback Converter with Independently Controlled Outputs for TV Power Supply”
Asst. Prof. Mehmet Parlak, Özyeğin University
Prof. Dr. Duygun Erol Barkana, Yeditepe University
Asst. Prof. Ahmet Tekin, Istanbul Technical University
This study presents the design of a multiple-output flyback converter (MOFC) with independently controlled outputs for a television power supply system. The proposed converter is capable of independently controlling the output voltage and output current of multiple outputs, allowing for efficient and precise power delivery to various subsystems within the TV. The current of the backlight LEDs and the system supply voltage are controlled independently, and the backlight LEDs are directly fed from the same flyback transformer, eliminating the need for a buck or boost converter stage. The 12V system voltage is regulated by an additional N-MOSFET. Thanks to the absence of an extra converter stage and the use of small transformer sizes, both card sizes and costs are reduced while achieving higher peak efficiency and power density. The simulation and experimental designs of the proposed model are explained in detail, and the results are shared. Regulation of both outputs is achieved and measured. The worst regulation of the outputs is measured when the 12V output voltage ripple level is %5.61 when both output loads are light. At full loading conditions, the ripple level of 12V is measured % at 2.28. Thermal measurements are done in room conditions at full loading conditions at an input voltage of 230VAC. The peak temperature is noted at 74.0 Celcius on the flyback MOSFET. Power card sizes are reduced by %28.8 and the BOM cost is decreased by 0.46 USD and the peak efficiency is measured %90.85 which is increased by %1.35 in comparison to the conventional card.
Bio: Mr. Ramazan Düzgün graduated from Isparta Yalvac Atatürk Anatolian High School in 2014. Then, he obtained his bachelor's degree in Electrical and Electronics Engineering from Dokuz Eylul University Faculty of Engineering in 2019. After graduating, he began working as a power electronics designer in the TV Power R&D team at VESTEL Electronics. He commenced his M.Sc. degree at Ozyegin University in 2020. His research interests lie in power electronics and electrical vehicles. Currently, he is involved in designing Mobile TV adapters, E-bike battery chargers, OLED and MiniLED TV power supplies, and LED driver cards.