Özyeğin University, Çekmeköy Campus Nişantepe District, Orman Street, 34794 Çekmeköy - İSTANBUL
Phone : +90 (216) 564 90 00
Fax : +90 (216) 564 99 99
E-mail: info@ozyegin.edu.tr

March012018-19 Erasmus Language Exam Results
Dear All, You may review your ELE result by logging into the online application system via http://intexchange.ozyegin.edu.tr If you would like to object to your exam result, please submit your request to the International Office (international.relations@ozu.edu.tr)....
February28DAAD Almanya'da Yükseköğrenim ve DAAD Bursları Semineri
Merhaba, 7 Mart 2018, Çarşamba günü DAAD İstanbul tarafından kampüsümüzde Almanya'da Yükseköğrenim ve DAAD Bursları Semineri düzenlenecektir. Sunum ile ilgili detayları görselde bulabilirsiniz. İlgilenen...
February23Summer School In Prague: University of Economics
Dear Students, We would like to share our partner University of Economics in Prague's Summer School announcement below.Following a successful summer school in previous year Faculty of International Relations and The Center for Asian Studies (CAS) of...
February23Summer School In The Netherlands: Tilburg University
Dear Students, We would like to share our partner Tilburg University's announcement for Summer School - “Cultural Diversity: Theory and Practice”, which is going to take place at Tilburg University, in Tilburg, The Netherlands from the 9th...
February21Summer School in France - Catholic University of Lyon
Dear Students, We would like to share our partner Catholic University of Lyon's announcement for Summer School. "We are happy to invite you to join the Catholic University of Lyon Summer School program which will take place from June 18th to July...
February20Summer School 2018: ISCTE Business School, Portugal
Dear Students, We would like to share our partner ISCTE Business School's announcement for Summer School. The Summer School Lisbon 2018 gives students the opportunity to choose between 19 high-quality academic courses allowing them to enhance their...
February19Summer Schools 2018 - Osnabrück University
Dear Students, We are excited to let you know that the application period for our 2018 International Summer Schools is open effective immediately. Now in their 9th year, Osnabrück University’s Summer Schools will take place from July 6th –...
February15Erasmus+ English Language Exam (ELE)
Dear All, 2018 Erasmus+ English Language Exam (ELE) will be held on Saturday, February 17, at 09:00 on campus. Please click here to see where you will be taking the exam. You are expected to be at the venue prior to the start...
February13DAAD - Karlsruhe Institute of Technology - Webinar
Değerli Öğrenciler, DAAD Ankara Danışma Merkezi, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology - Hector School of Engineering and Management bölümü ile, 20.02.2018 tarihinde 17.00-18.30 saatleri arasında İnternet ortamında "KIT: Part-time...
February12Summer School in Germany
Dear Students, We would like to share our partner European University Viadrina's announcement for Summer School. The European University Viadrina in Frankfurt (Oder), Germany is going to host its well-known summer program again in 2018. The Liberal...
February07Summer School in Amsterdam!
Dear Students, We would like to share our partner Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences (AUAS)'s announcement for AUAS Summer School from 2-13 July 2018. All our courses will be taught by our finest lecturers, and will challenge students both...
February07Summer School in Prague!
Dear Students, We would like to share the announcement for Summer School of EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy in Prague. EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy – a Prague-based think-tank specialized in EU affairs - organizes its 16th annual...
February01DAAD - Friedrich Alexander Üniversitesi Uzaktan Eğitim/Webinar
Değerli Öğrenciler,DAAD Ankara Danışma Merkezi, Friedrich Alexander üniversitesi ile birlikte 07 Şubat 2018, saat 17.00 - 18.30 arasında İnternet ortamında "Humanities and Social Sciences at Erlangen and Nürnberg – Study...
March03-03Summer Programs 2017
Dear Students,We would like to share with you the 2017 Summer Programs that were forwarded by our partner institutions.To see the summer programs please click here: SUMMER PROGRAMSIf you are interested in one of the programs, please review program...