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Jean Monnet Actions
Jean Monnet Actions
Jean Monnet Actions
The Jean Monnet Actions support:
- Jean Monnet Action in the field of Higher Education: This action supports Higher Education Institutions inside and outside Europe to promote teaching and research on European integration and to promote policy debate and exchanges involving the academic world and policy-makers on Union policy priorities. The following sub-actions are supported: Jean Monnet Modules: short teaching programmes in one or more disciplines of European Union studies; Jean Monnet Chairs: longer teaching posts with a specialisation in European Union studies for individual university professors; Jean Monnet Centres of Excellence: focal points gathering knowledge of high-level experts in various disciplines of European studies, as well as developing transnational activities and structural links with academic institutions in other countries;
- Jean Monnet Action in other fields of education and training: This action promotes knowledge on the European Union in schools and vocational education and training (VET) institutes in the EU Member States and third countries associated with the Programme. It aims to offer opportunities to education providers to develop and deliver content to learners, to teacher training providers to support teachers with methodologies and updated knowledge on European Union issues and to promote debate and exchanges between school and VET representatives and stakeholders on learning about European Union subjects. The following sub-actions are supported: Teacher Training: design and offer structured training proposals on EU subjects to teachers; Learning EU Initiative: to promote a better understanding, in general education and vocational training (ISCED 1 – 4).
- Jean Monnet policy debate: Jean Monnet Networks in Higher Education, in line with a specific theme linked to a Commission priority, will collect, share and discuss among partners, research findings, content of courses and experiences, products (studies, articles, content of courses, etc.). Networks for other fields of education and training, exchange of good practices and experience co-teaching within a group of countries;
- Support to designated institutions: The action supports institutions pursuing an aim of European interest, providing to the Union, its Member States and its citizens with high quality services in specific priority subject areas. The main activities and outreach of these institutions involve research, including collection of data and their analysis to prepare future policies, teaching in situ and online for future staff of the international organisations and for civil servants in particular in juridical and management areas, organising events on priority issues for the Union and disseminating specific results and general information for the broad public.
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