Özyeğin Üniversitesi, Çekmeköy Kampüsü Nişantepe Mahallesi Orman Sokak 34794 Çekmeköy İstanbul
Telefon : +90 (216) 564 90 00
Fax : +90 (216) 564 99 99

Summer School 2020 - International Architecture Summer School in Abruzzo
Dear Students:
We would like to present to you an Architecture summer school opportunity in Castelvecchio Calvisio, (Abruzzo region) Italy, organised by the International Society for Archaeology, Art and Architecture of Rome (ISAR) and the Laboratory of Dynamic Research in Urban Morphology (DRUM) of Özyeğin University, in cooperation with D'Annunzio University of Chieti–Pescara, University of Florence and California Polytechnic State University.
The summer school is open to 2nd, 3rd, and 4th year undergraduate students in the English Architecture programme as well as master and PHD students. A total of 6 Özyeğin students may attend the school. Of all applicants, the 6 students with the highest CGPA will be chosen. If you are interested, we recommend you to apply as soon as possible since the spots are limited.
The summer school will take place from July 17 to July 27, 2020 and will be held in English. The topic will be “Urban morphology and design”. The program fee, including accommodation, is 350 euro. Özyeğin students attending the summer school will earn 3 credits for an elective course.
For further information: http://isarome.org/summerschool-abruzzo/
If you need further information, please contact the institution by email.
ozge.ozkuvanci@ozyegin.edu.tr (OzU Faculty of Architecture and Design)
Please note that we, as Özyeğin University/International Office, do not have any other information. Therefore, should you need any further details, please contact the institution directly.
Best Regards,
International Office