Özyeğin University, Çekmeköy Campus Nişantepe District, Orman Street, 34794 Çekmeköy - İSTANBUL
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E-mail: info@ozyegin.edu.tr

Excellence Awards
Excellence Awards
Excellence Awards
Özyeğin University honors full-time faculty members and instructors’ outstanding contribution to our University with Excellence Awards. The recipients of this year’s "Özyeğin University Excellence Awards" have recently been announced.
The Özyeğin University Excellence Awards were established by our University in 2013 to highlight the importance and value our University attaches to the outstanding achievements; inspire recipients for new achievements; provide our young faculty members and instructors with a long-term perspective; promote award-winning achievements both within and outside the University; and increase the quality of teaching-learning and research as well as community service and information transfer. The awards are conferred in the “Research”, “Information Transfer”, “Teaching-Learning”, “Service”, “Administrative Support”, and “Rector’s Special Award” categories.
The previous recipients of our University’s Excellence Awards are as follows:
Rector’s Special Award
- Assistant Prof. Hatice Küçükönal (Faculty of Aviation and Aeronautical Sciences)
- Teoman Alemdar (Faculty of Applied Sciences)
OzU Excellence Award in Research
- Assistant Prof. Susan Beth Rottmann (Faculty of Social Sciences)
OzU Excellence Award in Teaching and Learning
- Assistant Prof. Berkay Anahtarcı (Faculty of Engineering)
- Instructor Salma Alamassi (School of Languages)
OzU Excellence Award in Information Transfer
- Assistant Prof. Göktürk Poyrazoğlu (Faculty of Engineering)
- Assistant Prof. Levent Güntay (Faculty of Business)
- Assistant Prof. Emrah Ahi (Faculty of Business)
OzU Excellence Award in Service
- Prof. Hüsnü Ata Erbay (Faculty of Engineering)
OzU Excellence Award in Administrative Support
- Aysel Şükran Kırkoç (Accommodation Services)
We have transformed the “Rectorate's Excellence Awards” into a collective commendation to honor all of our faculty and staff in recognition their resilience and triumph over personal and professional challenges they faced during the 2020-2021 Academic Year.
Rector’s Special Award
- Assistant Prof. Erinç Albey (Faculty of Engineering)
OzU Excellence Award in Research
- Associate Prof. Burcu Balçık (Faculty of Engineering)
OzU Excellence Award in Teaching and Learning
- Ervin Daleth Ostos Santos (School of Languages)
OzU Excellence Award in Service
- Associate Prof. Deniz Sert (Faculty of Social Sciences)
OzU Excellence Award in Administrative Support
- Tolga Önder (Secretary General)
Rector’s Special Award
- Prof. M. Reha Civanlar (Faculty of Engineering)
OzU Excellence Award in Research
- Associate Prof. Özgür Ertunç (Faculty of Engineering)
OzU Excellence Award in Information Transfer
- Assistant Prof. Ali Serdar (Faculty of Social Sciences)
OzU Excellence Award in Teaching and Learning
- Serdar Tıkaç and Michele March Velasco (School of Languages)
OzU Excellence Award in Service
- Yeşim Tuba Başaran (Planning and Analysis Office)
OzU Excellence Award in Research
- Associate Prof. Güney Güven Yapıcı (Faculty of Engineering)
OzU Excellence Award in Information Transfer
- Assistant Prof. Burhan Gülbahar (Faculty of Engineering)
OzU Excellence Award in Teaching and Learning
- Assistant Prof. T. Barış Aktemur (Faculty of Engineering)
- Instructor Mehmet Demir (School of Languages)
OzU Excellence Award in Service
- Prof. Saadet Erbay (Faculty of Engineering)
OzU Staff Excellence Award
- Accreditation and Quality Assurance Office
OzU Excellence Award in Research
- Prof. Hüsnü Ata Erbay (Faculty of Engineering)
OzU Excellence Award in Teaching and Learning
- Prof. Ümit Özlale (Faculty of Business)
- Assistant Prof. Okan Örsan Özener (Faculty of Engineering)
- Instructor Petek Şirin (School of Languages)
- Instructor Rabia Ayfer Karaca (School of Languages)
OzU Excellence Award in Information Transfer
- Associate Prof. Bahar Başım Doğan (Faculty of Engineering)
OzU Excellence Award in Service
- Associate Prof. Fatih Uğurdağ (Faculty of Engineering)
OzU Excellence Award in Research
- Prof. Pınar Mengüç (Faculty of Engineering)
OzU Excellence Award in Teaching and Learning
- Assistant Prof. Çimen G. Erkol (Faculty of Social Sciences)
- Instructor Aslı Lidice Göktürk Sağlam (School of Languages)
- Assistant Prof. Faik Gür (Faculty of Social Sciences)
OzU Excellence Award in Information Transfer
- Prof. Ekrem Duman, (Faculty of Engineering)
OzU Excellence Award in Service
- Assistant Prof. Özkan Bebek (Faculty of Engineering)
OzU Excellence Award in Research
- Associate Prof. Koen Pauwels (Faculty of Business)
- Prof. Dr. Murat Uysal (Faculty of Engineering)
OzU Excellence Award in Teaching and Learning
- Associate Prof. Kutsal Doğan (Faculty of Business)
- Instructor Neslihan Sabuncu (School of Languages)
OzU Excellence Award in Information Transfer
- Prof. Pınar Mengüç (Faculty of Engineering)
OzU Excellence Award in Service
- Assistant Prof. Faik Gür (Faculty of Social Sciences)
- Assistant Prof. T. Barış Aktemur (Faculty of Engineering)
- Assistant Prof. M. Helena Turhan (Faculty of Law)
- Instructor M. Bülent Aksum (Faculty of Aviation and Aeronautical Sciences)
- Assistant Prof. A. Murat Fiş (Faculty of Business)
OzU Excellence Award in Teaching and Learning
- Prof. Güray Erkol (Faculty of Engineering)
- Instructor Nazan Özçınar (School of Languages)